Why Become a Certified Menopause PT?

Over 1000 UK women search Google every month for ways to keep fit during menopause, but there are very few PTs who understand what they need. It's time to educate yourself about perimenopause, to better train your clients and build you business!

We provide you with the skills and knowledge you need as a CIMSPA-accredited menopause PT, so you can join the 9 in 10 PTs who said this qualification helped grow their business.

We’ll give you ready-made marketing materials, support and advice from people who have already used the qualification to transform their earning power.

It’s time to take your PT business to the next level. Sign up now and you could be learning within minutes!

Start learning now
This is the Testimonial Slider. On the published site it will show 10 randomly-ordered testimonials from the Testimonials collection.
The Garage Studio
Murielle Carrasco
As a Pilates teacher with 20+ years of experience I’m always looking to improve my teaching and help my clients as best I can. This course is full of useful information and practical advice that I could include in my classes straight away. I highly recommend it on a professional and personal level. I wish I’d taken it before my menopause.

IG @garagestudiopilates

Website: www.thegaragestudio.co.uk

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Emma Overson
This has been a great course with lots of highly relevant and useful information to help us as health and fitness professionals to inform, educate and empower women either in the perimenopause transition or post-menopause.

IG @emma_overson_physiotherapy
The Faringdon Clinic: https://www.faringdon-clinic.co.uk/emma-overson/

Strength Coach & Menopause Wellness Advisor, So-fit
Sophie Hayward
It was invaluable in my consultation with a new client recently. I felt really confident that I could support her in her journey to better fitness and health through peri - menopause and beyond - what a great feeling! Thanks to you and your fellow professionals for putting together a great course.

IG @so.fir.gb
So-Fit: https://so-fit.co.uk/

Movement and Wellbeing Specialist, Raw Movement
Clare Rawlings
I took so much away from this course. It was great and I am excited to join the Network. This course has given me confidence in talking about some of the issues of menopause. I’m glad I found you.

IG @raw_movementuk
Raw Movement: https://www.rawmovement.co.uk/

Be the PT that's there.
For everyone.

We know you became a PT to help people to live better, happier lives, whether their goal is to do their first Ironman, or simply to run for the bus.

When a menopausal woman comes to you, are you able to give her the unique support, training and nutrition advice she needs to stay healthy at a time when her entire body is changing?

Make sure you’re the PT who’s there for everyone. As a certified menopause PT, each of your menopausal clients will move into the next stage or her life strong, healthy and happy. Thanks to you.

Ready to be a Certified Menopause Coach?

A Course Designed Around You

CIMSPA-accredited with 4 CPD points. Use the title of Menopause Coach


Online modular course. Study at your own pace and fit around your lifestyle.


You'll learn about biology, physiology, psychology, heart & bone health, nutrition, exercise and much more


Your tutors include leading gynaecologists, physios, psychologists and nutritionists


  • The three exercises you must do during menopause
  • The one crucial menopause nutrient and how to get it
  • The secret to maintaining confidence and motivation in menopausal women
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Training Menopausal Women

Download Your Must-have Guide

Without these 3 critical menopause facts, your training could be doing more harm than good

Grow Your Business

All the support you need to succeed as a Certified Menopause PT

Learn first-hand the secrets of thriving Menopause Coaches & Health pro's

Success Story Webinars

New social media and other templates every month

Ready-made Marketing Materials

An entire module on marketing yourself as a Menopause PT

Marketing Guide

Ready to Become a Certified Menopause PT?

1 payment of £445


4 monthly payments of £110


12 monthly payments of £39

Ready to make a real difference?
Start Learning Now

Menopause-specific PT Certification

Our partnerships, collaborations, and recommendations