Learn how to help your menopausal clients continue to perform to their personal best.

The Advanced Menopause Practitioner course awards you an additional 4 1/2 CIMSPA CPD points. It is ideal for personal trainers who work with ultra athletic, endurance, performance driven women, competitive athletes, or coaching females who participate in organised sport, where competition is a central feature.

Are you a therapist? Learn about our Menopause MOT® training course for pelvic health physiotherapists, MSK physio's, osteopaths, and healthcare professionals.

Start learning now

Elite Menopause Accreditation

Expect credible, scientific, research-backed information from top academic institutions, delivered by experts, plus clear, actionable insights elevating you to Advanced Menopause Practitioner status.

This is the Testimonial Slider. On the published site it will show 10 randomly-ordered testimonials from the Testimonials collection.
Strength Coach & Menopause Wellness Advisor, So-fit
Sophie Hayward
It was invaluable in my consultation with a new client recently. I felt really confident that I could support her in her journey to better fitness and health through peri - menopause and beyond - what a great feeling! Thanks to you and your fellow professionals for putting together a great course.

IG @so.fir.gb
So-Fit: https://so-fit.co.uk/

The Garage Studio
Murielle Carrasco
As a Pilates teacher with 20+ years of experience I’m always looking to improve my teaching and help my clients as best I can. This course is full of useful information and practical advice that I could include in my classes straight away. I highly recommend it on a professional and personal level. I wish I’d taken it before my menopause.

IG @garagestudiopilates

Website: www.thegaragestudio.co.uk

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Emma Overson
This has been a great course with lots of highly relevant and useful information to help us as health and fitness professionals to inform, educate and empower women either in the perimenopause transition or post-menopause.

IG @emma_overson_physiotherapy
The Faringdon Clinic: https://www.faringdon-clinic.co.uk/emma-overson/

Movement and Wellbeing Specialist, Raw Movement
Clare Rawlings
I took so much away from this course. It was great and I am excited to join the Network. This course has given me confidence in talking about some of the issues of menopause. I’m glad I found you.

IG @raw_movementuk
Raw Movement: https://www.rawmovement.co.uk/

How the Advanced Menopause Movement Course will benefit your professional development

Enhance your skills and drive growth for your business as a menopause expert.

Increase your level of expertise and excellence with a well-rounded education to train competitive menopausal women and elite athletes.

Earn distinctive credentials in women’s fitness, covering all stages from pre-to post-menopause.

Elevate your coaching status to Advanced Menopause Practioner, with additional 4 1/2 CIMSPA points, certification and our seal of excellence, .


What will you take away from the Advanced Menopause Movement Course?

Cultural Insights into how ethnicity shapes menopause experiences.

Updated evidence supporting physical activity for improving menopause symptoms and lean muscle mass.

The female-specific research into cardiovascular health.

Latest insights into menopause brain health.

Menopause specific physical activity and exercise: Resistance, power and impact training - medical diagnosis and considerations.

Understanding genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), its impact on sport and physical activity, and available treatment options.

Sports and Exercise Nutrition: Female-focused sports nutrition, low energy availability & fasting.

Menopause in the workplace: Helping clients navigate menopause at work with confidence.

Mindfulness and breath work AND a progressive relaxation treat for you!

Train to be an Advanced Menopause Practitioner

Once you have qualified as a certified Menopause Movement® Coach, you gain the unique opportunity to take your learning to a top-tier status with our advanced menopause training program for those who coach women in the high-performance fitness sector!

Ready to make a real difference?
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