A Perfect Partnership: CIMSPA, Menopause Movement and You?

CIMSPA have awarded the Menopause Movement certificated menopause training course for fitness coaches, the highest rating of '3-star-rated enhanced provider'.

A Perfect Partnership: CIMSPA, Menopause Movement and You?

Menopause Movement are CIMSPA quality assured enhanced education providers!

We know from member-feedback that CPD and certification matters. It matters to us too! We share our own CIMSPA endorsement journey below and encourage individuals to think about embarking on their own journey.

In the last year Menopause Movement have entered Training Provider Partnership with CIMSPA, The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, the UK’s professional development body for the sport and physical activity sector, backed by Sport England and the UK government.  

CIMSPA represents a wide range of professionals working in the sport and physical activity sector, from sole trader fitness instructors to leisure and gym sector CEOs. Their commitment to nurturing talent, developing careers, and inspiring professionalism fits perfectly with our values.

After going through CIMSPA’s lengthy endorsement process, the Menopause Movement course was awarded 4 CPD points. At the end of 2023, we then took part in a further rigorous quality assurance program, which resulted in an invitation to apply for 'enhanced provider' status. This designation is awarded to providers who have demonstrated good practice and are recognised for offering high-quality education to learners/participants by CIMSPA. Recently, we achieved the highest rating of '3-star-rated enhanced provider' which we’ll be happily shouting about wherever we get the chance!

Menopause Movement CIMSPA enhanced education provider

By teaming up with CIMSPA, we know that we’ve joined forces with an organisation committed to upholding standards of excellence and professionalism, contributing to the growth and success of a vibrant UK-wide sport and physical activity sector. It also helps us to spread the word about how menopausal clients can benefit from our professional evidence-informed training! We have no hesitation in recommending CIMSPA membership to individuals working in the sector.

What does individual CIMSPA membership mean for personal trainers & fitness professionals?

Whether you're a fitness instructor, a sports coach, or working behind the scenes in the industry, having that extra stamp of approval to showcase your skills and experience is always welcome. CIMSPA practitioner members receive this professional recognition, providing assurance to employers, clients, colleagues, and the public that they have the necessary relevant qualifications and ongoing professional development to train, teach and practice in their field.

CIMSPA provides a clear route for individuals to achieve their potential and make progress. Working with employers, they ensure that relevant skills are taught via quality learning and development opportunities, supporting growth and success, for the individuals and the businesses that employ or commission their services. As the lead organisation for sport and physical activity workforce policy, CIMSPA represents its members' interests and instils confidence in the public about the professionalism and integrity of the sector.

Together with our partners at Places Leisure, and CIMSPA & Menopause Movement member, Cathy Haughton (Blossom Coaching), we recently took part in the CIMSPA Cast Extra podcast, talking about how our course and its key takeaways are empowering fitness prosto work with menopausal women to overcome barriers, move more and feel confident exercising safely during menopause. Tune in and learn more about our insightful conversation!

March 2024



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